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Pro Deo Et Rege

Pro Deo Et Rege

Pro Deo et rege. For God and king. Hawkins - Toujours pret. Always ready. Hawkshaw - Perseverantia. Hay - Pro patria. For my country. Hayden - Disce pati. Learn to endure. Hayman - Coelum non solum. Heaven not earth. Hayne - Labore et honore. Labour with honour. Hayse - Nil desperandum. Never dispair. Hazlerigg - Pro aris et focis.

Pro aris et focis, alternative phrasing: Pro Deo et Patria ('For God and Country') is a phrase used as the of many families, military regiments, and some educational institutions meaning 'For and country' or literally 'For altars and hearths', but is used by ancient authors to express attachment to all that was most dear and venerable. It could be more idiomatically translated 'for hearth and home;' as the Latin term 'aris', generally refers to either the altars of the spirits of the house (the ) and is often used as a for the family home. Thus the famous Latin orator and philosopher uses the phrase to emphasize the importance of his argument in his philosophical work (3.40).

Contents.Family motto Pro Aris et Focis is the motto of many families such as the Blomfield’s of Norfolk, the Mulvihills of Ireland, the Waits of Scotland, a private members club in Australia, the and of military regiments all over the world, such as the of, the of and the of. And also in France, during French Revolution, Henri du Vergier, Marquis de La Rochejacquelein, General-in Chief of the Catholic and Royal Vendean Army, took this motto.Secret society Pro Aris et Focis is the name of a secret society in in 1789 which prepared the against the Austrian Emperor. The leading figure was. Motto of institutions.

  • What is pro deo et rege? For God and the king. Share: What does pro patria mori mean? I am assuming you have read Dulce et decorum est, the WW1 poem. The whole phrase- 'Dulce et.
  • You can read more book reviews or buy Hibernia Unanimis: 'Pro Deo, Rege et Patricia, Hibernia Unanimis' (For God, King and Country, Ireland is United) by John Piper at Amazon.com. Like to comment on this review? Just send us an email and we'll put the best up on the site.

Formal end of the, and start of a new 'Patriotic people's militia' called 'Pro Aris et Focis' (1787)'For God and country' is the motto of the.Deo et Patriae is the motto of, and Pro Deo et Patria is the motto of in.' Pro Aris et Focis is the motto for ',' a Puerto Rico PK-12 school. The motto is embedded in the school's shield and logo. The school is located in Santurce, Puerto Rico. Pro Aris et Focis is the motto for, a high school in South Africa, and the motto is embedded in the school's shield.Pro Aris et PRO Focis was the motto of the, 'The American Guard', which was formed not long before the Civil War and saw service in that War, and down to almost the present time. Its HQ was in the old Armory at 34th and Park Avenue in New York City.

The building no longer stands, but plaque parts of its original structure have been incorporated into the walls of the skyscraper that presently occupies the site. It one of the mottoes of. 'For God, for Country, and for Yale' is one of the mottoes of, inscribed in stone on many of the university's residential colleges and frequently invoked at the annual Harvard-Yale football game. It also features in Yale college songs like and is often seen on flyers and graffiti on the Yale campus.Death of Osama Bin Laden In May 2011, the phrase 'For God and country' was used as a confirmation signal by during the in,. On his radio, the U.S. Navy SEAL responsible for killing bin Laden reported over a radio, “For God and country, Geronimo, Geronimo, Geronimo.” After a pause, he added, “Geronimo EKIA” (enemy killed in action). References.

at thelatinlibrary.com. Blom, J. H.; Lamberts, E., eds. History of the Low Countries (New ed.). New York u.a.: Berghahn Books.

P. 293. Daniel S. American Legion. Retrieved 2007-12-31. Ten years ago, the Legionnaires at Post 258 in Jonesboro, Sa., felt like they were carrying out the organization's mission of 'For country.' But they felt their obligation to the other party of the Legion's motto, 'For God,' wasn't being met.

So they did something about it. And now, the post's Chapel for God and Country is in its 10th year of hosting a Sunday morning interdenominational worship service.

Pro Deo Et Rege Meaning

The service provides fellowship for verterans and non-veterans alike, and has actually helped boost membership in the post. An idea that at first glance may seem unconventional is actually carrying out the Legion's very core values. Members of our post become concerned about the fact that although our motto is 'For God and country,' we had inadequately emphasized the spiritual dimension of the soldier and the veteran.' Said Post 258 member Herbert Kitchens, who retired in 2002 after 28 years as a U.S. Army chaplain and now serves as the chapel pastor. Www.regis.org. Philip Sherwell (May 7, 2011).

Retrieved February 29, 2012. Schmidle, Nicholas, ', August 8, 2011.

The real Queen of Ireland is not a man dressed up as a woman who goes around perpetrating puerile sexual innuendoes (which I presume is what all drag queens do; I haven't seen the documentary in question, and I won't). The real Queen of Ireland is our Blessed Mother, and a book of that title was written by Professor Helena Colcannon in 1938.Not the Queen of Ireland.The real deal.I have just started reading it, and I was very moved by the following passage, which describe some of the banners carried into battle by the forces loyal to the. My previous post was about the Romance of the Faith; t he following passage i s an excellent example:When our forefathers went to battle during those tragic but stirring years, they had Our Lady on their blue standards. Among the Wadding Papers, Cardinal Moran found a list of the christian symbols depicted on the flags of the Confederate troops. They all depict in a graphic and striking way what the Irish people were fighting for t ranslations from Latin via Google Translate :1.

On white flags, flecked with blood drops, a Crucifix with this inscription: AEQUUM EST PRO CHRISTO MORI. 'It is right to die for Christ'2. On green flags, an image of the Saviour bearing His Cross with the inscription: PATIOR UT VINCAM. 'I suffer to triumph'.3. On gold-coloured flags, the Resurrection of the Saviour with the inscription: EXSURGAT DEUS ET DISSIPENTUR INIMICI EJUS 'let God arise and let him enemies be scattered'; or a globe surrounded by a dark cloud through which the sun begins to break and the inscription: POST NUBILE PHOEBUS. 'After clouds comes the sun'.4. On red flags, the HOLY NAME with this epigraph; IN NOMINE JESU OMNE GENU FLECTETUR 'At the name of Jesus every knee should bend'; or two arms emerging from a cloud, one bearing a Chalice with a Host above it, and the other a sword defending them, with the inscription: PRO DEO, REGE ET PATRIA 'For God, King and Country.'

On blue flags, an image of the Blessed Virgin, with the infant Jesus in her arms, treading the serpent under foot with the inscription: SOLVIT VINCULA DEUS 'God has broken our chains'.6. On saffron coloured flags; an image of the Saviour liberating the patriarchs from Limbo with the inscription: VICTOR REDIT DE BARATHRO 'The Victor returns from the abyss'.The soldiers had Mary's Rosary around their necks, and the invocations of Her Litany on their lips when they faced the foe. SANCTA MARIA was their battle cry at Benburb, and their Chaplain-General, the Franciscan Boetius MacEgan, intoned the Litany of Loreto for them when they charged the troops of Monroe. Their great General, Owen Roe O'Neill, himself a devout client of Our Lady, reminded them to put their trust in her in his allocution to them before the engagement.In a week when a Catholic priest was martyred in Western Europe, and, it is good to remember that Our Lady, Queen of Ireland, is the Lady of Victories (even when the immediate b attle is lost). Our Lady of Victories, pray for us!

One thing in this world is different from all others. It has a personality and a force. It is recognized and (when recognized) most violently hated or loved. It is the Catholic Church. Within that household the human spirit has roof and hearth.

What Does Pro Deo Et Rege Mean


Outside it is the night.- Hilaire BellocIt is easy to be a madman: it is easy to be a heretic. It is always easy to let the age have its head; the difficult thing is to keep one's own.To have fallen into any one of the fads from Gnosticism to Christian Science would indeed have been obvious and tame.

But to have avoided them all has been one whirling adventure; and in my vision the heavenly chariot flies thundering through the ages, the dull heresies sprawling and prostrate, the wild truth reeling but erect.- ChestertonFrom the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion; religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery. NewmanI have come to bring fire to the Earth- Our Lord, Luke 12:49.

Pro Deo Et Rege